
Help us transform Paisley Museum

Your support will help showcase Paisley’s incredible stories and collections like never before, and create a world-class visitor destination at the heart of the town.

Support the campaign

Paisley’s much-loved museum is being transformed. It will showcase Paisley’s world-changing stories to new audiences. It will drive much-needed life and footfall to our High Street and town centre. And it will be at the heart of the community – a place for everyone to learn, discover, create and connect.

But it needs your support to happen. Find out how you can help preserve our remarkable legacy….

About the Museum

Explore Paisley Museum’s remarkable past.

If you are interested in supporting this wonderful project, get in touch with the Fundraising Team today.

We are restoring Paisley Museum’s collections

The new Garden Gallery extension looking out to the garden and Observatory

Discover our exciting plans for Paisley Museum’s future.

News & Stories


Paisley’s ‘weaver poet’ lost his life i...

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Funding from The Pilgrim Trust has meant that...

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Paisley Museum welcomes the University of the...

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