Scottish Government confirm £2m support for Paisley Museum transformation
The Scottish Government confirms £2million support for the ongoing transformation of Paisley Museum into a world-class destination.
When Paisley Museum reopens in 2022, it will do so as a leading European museum telling the town’s internationally-significant story. Moreover, it expects to draw audiences from Scotland, the UK and abroad and almost quadruple visitor numbers to 125,000 a year.

Culture Secretary Fiona Hyslop said: “I am pleased to announce that the Scottish Government is contributing £2 million to the ambitious Paisley Museum project, which will engage the local community and showcase the design heritage of this town to the wider world, while contributing to the overall regeneration of Paisley.”
Renfrewshire Council Leader Iain Nicolson said: “Paisley Museum Reimagined will enable us to share our story with the world and create a world-class destination that will attract more visitors to Renfrewshire.
“I am delighted that the Scottish Government is fully behind the project and welcome their support as we invest in our unique culture and heritage to transform our future.
“Growing our tourism and visitor numbers is a key focus of our work to create a strong, thriving local economy, bringing more people into work, with more secure jobs and better wages.”
The £42m Paisley Museum Reimagined project is being taken forward by Renfrewshire Council. Overall, it expects to create a £79million boost for the local economy over 30 years. Specifically, 138 jobs will be supported during construction, and additionally more than 48 jobs will be created per year through revenue and visitor spending.
The museum is part of Renfrewshire Council’s £100million investment in venues and outdoor spaces. Specifically this aims to use Paisley’s unique and internationally-significant cultural and heritage story to transform the area’s future.
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